What Swinging Means To A Swinger


What Swinging Means To A Swinger

We all wear masks. Every day.

We put on our professional faces for our bosses and colleagues. We wear the friend, girlfriend masks for our friends, acquaintances, or boyfriends. We are in and out of roles almost simultaneously and in constant rotation, it’s the role we’re all used to play day in and day out. We use the disguise of indifference to shield ourselves from strangers.

Only in moments of intimacy, when we let our guard down, do we reveal ourselves. There is unmistakable honesty in those moments. It is this honesty that a couple experiences once they have truly and honestly opened up about their sexuality. There are no veils, no masks, no half truths or lies to hide behind, only naked and raw honesty. Swinger couples have come to realise that opening their relationship up affords them the insight into a realm of intimacy that they have never experienced before – both are free to experience their sexuality to the fullest and grow together in it. This is what swinging means to a swingers; to drop all disguises and bravely unveil their real selves blatantly.

Swinger couples that have achieved true openness between them shed a light into our culture that has imprisoned us to think that we have ownership of our partner’s pleasure. What it failed to extend is that we are each others guide to better understand our sexuality and our pleasure. You should nourish each other and not sink each other. To let go and grow away from societal fears of commitment is liberating. Ignorance and fear stops many couples from taking the first step into the swinging lifestyle.

Yes, sometimes when we hear something that shocks us, like you would if you were not curious or not already in the swinging lifestyle, and temporarily thrown in the deep it all might seem like the worst idea. Fear and ignorance act very much like a jail to our thoughts. To have the guts to step outside the bounds of a pre-defined marriage rules is scary and outrageous, and it is, if one and not both partners are willing ‘explorers’. However, if both are willing to explore into something new whether as voyeurs, exhibitionists or fully participants, then you are going to add new dimensions into your relationship.

Swinging is and will continue to be perceived as a form of rebellion, but ultimately, as you come to understand it’s a release, an affirmation of your own agency, a exercise of reckless unapologetic freedom.

Do you want to try out swinging? Do not let societal norms contain you or define you. Try it and judge for yourselves. It might turn out to be a short holiday or a permanent fixture to your life. Whatever it’ll be, fly past social restrictions and experience together a new page in your lives.

High time we stopped policing our and others sexuality, all it’s doing is holding us all back. Swinging for swingers is a platform in which they grow intimate together and connect deeply. It might be a journey that is short lived or a long and continuous fixture of their lives. Swingers are all different but together they set out to celebrate their sexuality, to foster a strong bond and to be translucent to each other.  Regardless, whether swinging is for you or not celebrate your sexuality as a couple whichever way you both feel comfortable and happy with.


About Author

I am passionate about improving relationships and the dating world, specifically the sexuality component. Maya enjoys writing about relationship, exercising, and going to the beach whenever she can.

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