Talk to a Swinging Counsellor


Hi, I have a registered Non-Sexual Counselling Business and I am a happy consentual swinger myself. I have found it hard to find genuine ‘swinger friendly’ counsellors who are accepting of the pros and cons of the swinging environment (so people can make their own informed choices). I do counsel swingers with online video calling, please go to for details, call 0499-155-077 or join our facebook open group ‘Counselling Australia Online’. (P.S. Please Note: For duty of care purposes I cannot be a counsellor for people if we have touched sexually in the last 2 years, or 2 years after the counselling relationship has ended)


About Author

Sexuality is one of our most basic drives, but it's also fundamental to our identities as people. Writing interesting pieces about sex, the lifestyle and the different aspects of human sexuality is a challenge that we will endeavor to take .

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