Amber Rose SlutWalk In LA


Amber Rose SlutWalk In LA

Hip hop model Amber Rose, last Saturday, lead a group of hundreds of women in L.A. in a SlutWalk to denounce victim-blaming, gender inequality and slut –shaming.

Amber Rose wore a black nightdress and thigh-high stockings, but other women chose to wear nipple tape, bras, and high stockings. Why were these women wearing these types of clothes?

They were participating in a movement provocatively titled SlutWalk that has been happening since 2011 as a response to a policeman’s telling a group of college students that; “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised.” Implying that women are responsible for or deserving of their own assault because of how they dressed or how men perceived them. This comment then outraged Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis, who organised a rally that April, protesting a culture that labels, shames and blames women for sexual assault. With that the international SlutWalk movement was born.

This demonstration lead by Amber Rose was meant to express “outrage toward issues of sexual violence, gender inequality, derogatory labelling and victim blaming”, as reported by Los Angeles Times.

Why is this demonstration important? Because how women dress as many women in the crowd explained in the signs they help up “My clothes are not my consent” and “ The way I dress does not mean YES

The aim of this demonstration is to take the degrading power away from the word ‘slut’ and flip the public’s psychic into understanding that all safe, consensual sexual choices are to be respected and celebrated. There is nothing wrong with having sex, it gives us pleasure and pleasure is important to all human beings.

SlutWalk helps spread the message against ‘slut shaming’. Amber Rose stands for women who unapologetically are mothers, sisters, career women and sexual beings. They rally for the freedom of women to make decisions about their bodies and sexuality without fear of abuse or judgement. Women’s sexuality does not determine their moral worth.


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