Why Open Relationships Are On The Rise


Why Open Relationships Are On The Rise

In recent years, there has been a rise in ‘open relationships.’ Open relationships have been growing more popular and getting a lot of mainstream media attention. Modern mainstream couples are examining and re-writing the rules about relationships.

Three – is no longer a crowd. It’s an ideal to a lot of couples that see themselves happier living in relationships that fall away from the traditional configuration of two or monogamy.

Whether this is as a direct result of the constant exposure to literature, TV-pop culture, movies, and websites that expose people to differing alternative lifestyles: swingers,Polyamory, kinksters and BDSM or the corrective curve of a new learned acceptance towards the point of view of couples who find themselves happier in open relationships. One thing is for certain relationship stereotypes are being challenged. The younger generation is starting to open their eyes the notion of an open relationship as the way to go.

This redefinition of what relationships are could very well be the solution to a lot of unhappiness, dissatisfaction and source of divorce. In a society where divorce rates are blasting through the roof, modern and younger couples are looking for better alternatives with possibly more successful outcomes.

Some couples feel that in a monogamous relationship it is hard to meet all the needs of the other partner – emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, however, in an open relationship more of these needs can be met.

It seems that open relationships is the thing now. Judging by celebrity couples it seems that way. Here are a few who have been rumored to be in open relationships. Check out the couples that make it work or at least tried to have open relationships: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, Mo’Nique and Sidney Hicks, Tilda Swinton and Thicke and Paula Patton. Open realtionships have been gaining prominence with the public.

Undeniably, the interest and curiosity around open relationships has just skyrocketed especially with the increasing number of adults finding that monogamy doesn’t suit them and it is slowly becoming less of a social requirement.

Monogamy does suit some people more and if we were looking at the benefits of it you only have to look at the likes of Hugh Hefner who is 90 years old – maybe open relationships may be the secret to living forever.

To prove that open relationships are embarking comfortably in the mainstream arena here are a list of movies that bluntly explore the theme of open relationships: “ Savages”, “Fling” and “The Freebie”. In the past no serious Film Director would dare depict relationships that were unorthodox.

For centuries we’ve been told that monogamy is the only acceptable kind of relationship but in the current climate relationships are being deconstructed with the help of the media, some celebrity couples and some movies which are helping change the culture, giving people courage to speak freely about their relationship status and creating acceptance towards open relationships.

Seemingly, what brought about the rise in popularity of open relationships is a lethal combination of sin, shame, guilt and separation in monogamous relationships. Aspects that are eradicated with open relationships. Couples in open relationships, whether it is occasional or continuous swingers, they talk a lot, they negotiate a lot, they bring their feelings to the table and they also constantly looking at how to meet each other’s needs.

All been said, a state of fluid and dynamic approach of relating to people is essential when exploring and growing sexually, mentally and spiritually. Remain open to all possibilities and find what makes you happy. To some monogamy is just the thing and to others open relationships are their ‘raison d’être’, the world has opened up to the saying “different strokes for different folks”.

Realistically, people will phase in and out of non-monogamy at different times in their lives and inevitably some of us will choose to be monogamous and others not. What really is important here regardless of choice is that people find happy, fulfilling relationships that we all yearn for.

What do you think of open relationships? Are we to assume that we’re moving into an era where a triad is going to become the norm? What are your thoughts on this?


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