Thinkergirls Learn About BDSM


Thinkergirls Learn About BDSM

From the onset Thinkergirls, adopted the same approach and taken inspiration from a series of PLUS7 documentaries, to dive into various subjects that intrigue them. To go places ordinarily most people would not venture to. A brave stance and only reinforced by both their curiosity and their willingness to challenge social norms.

Despite BDSM secretly being a subject of interest of many people there are only a few that step outside their comfort zone to explore it. BDSM is too often painted in a negative note.

With this stance to everything they endevour, Thinkergirls took a trip to the world of BDSM.Confronted with the unknown they strive to unveil a world that has been misunderstood for its practices and approaches, mostly due to sheer ignorance.

Watch as Stacey and Kristie explore the intriguing world BDSM in their brief but enlighting encounter with Lani and Mark De Viate:

Bringing BDSM and fetish play into your bedroom can be very erotic and enhance your sex lives.


About Author

Tom has just started to listen to his call for writing and he’s very enthusiastic about sharing his views on sexuality, life, alternative expression and humour.

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