Sclub Release


Our mixers are best described as THE place where steamy hot and like-minded couples and single ladies mingle face to face in an extremely low pressure, yet highly erotically charged atmosphere. Each monthly mixer typically draws between 50 and 100 couples as well as a handful of single females. Ages range, typically some 20’s, a bunch of 30’s and a handful of 40’s. They are all private and invite only, and start out in public venues. The dress is usually sexy club wear, unless we have a particular theme that night. Of course everyone’s idea of sexy differs with their own level of comfort. We don’t encourage the hanky panky on site, after all these are public venues, but the girls sometimes get daring on the dance floor or in the darker corners as the night goes on. As couples make new friends they’d like to get to know more intimately, the party typically moves to more private locations in smaller groups. We almost always host an Open Bar for our guests during the first hour of the event, not only to get guests to arrive early, but to give them the opportunity to loosen up a bit, and let their inhibitions slip away.


About Author

Sexuality is one of our most basic drives, but it's also fundamental to our identities as people. Writing interesting pieces about sex, the lifestyle and the different aspects of human sexuality is a challenge that we will endeavor to take .