Making Sexual Role Playing Work For You


Making Sexual Role Playing Work For You

Sexual desire and fantasies are as diverse as they are personal. Most times we don’t find it easy to share our most intimate thoughts even with the people closest to us.

Sexual role-playing is a great way to overcome inhibitions, explore new scenarios and fantasies.

Sexual role-play is not a new idea, but is a great way to play out sexual scenarios you’re having trouble explaining or sharing maybe because you’re too shy. During role plays you can express your inner fantasies and share fantasies in a non-confrontational manner.

So getting dressed up for the sake of sexual exploration might be for you, even for the savviest sexual couples.

Fantasising about your co-worker?

Role-play this scenario in the comfort of your own bedroom. Both get dressed up and assume the personas you want to enact, for example Boss and secretary. You might want to read a earlier post on How to role play your sexual fatasy.

The Hitchhiker

Let go of your inhibitions and take your role-play fantasies out of the house, with this naughty number that combines the excitement of car sex and the risk of picking up a total stranger. Role play sex with a complete stranger.

Arrange for you and your partner to meet somewhere on your journey, but don’t be too specific as this will help increase the anticipation.

The vulnerable hitchhiker stranded on the side of the road has no money to pay for petrol but you can pull over somewhere secluded and find even better ways for them to repay the driver’s kindness.

Home Delivery

Something’s wrong with your internet connection? Or is there a light bulb that needs changing that’s just out of reach you need that sexy electrician?  Maybe you’re hungry for a little bit more than what the pizza delivery guy has got in his box, but more what he has in his boxer shorts.

There’s something about sex with a stranger that can be a real turn on, so when the guy rings the bell and the girl answers in her finest lingerie, that’s your cue, she wants way more than your professional help, she wants her needs to be taken care of.

Man Maid Action

The man of the house needs help keeping his place tidy, so who better to call than the local French maid cleaning service?

Imagine his surprise when this sexy stranger in her tantalizing French maid outfit shows up on the doorstep and gets going with the dirties kind of cleaning he’s ever seen.

All that reaching, bending and stretching to those hard to reach places will give him a show that is just too tempting to resist.

These role plays and there are many more to choose from are fun and get you out of your boring sex routine.


About Author

Sexuality is one of our most basic drives, but it's also fundamental to our identities as people. Writing interesting pieces about sex, the lifestyle and the different aspects of human sexuality is a challenge that we will endeavor to take .