The world of anal butt-plugs


The world of anal butt-plugs

Diving into anal play can feel intimidating… But it doesn’t have to be. Figuring out what you like and whether you want to try out anal play is up to you and your partner.  Carvaka’s Sex Toys released a video on anal butt-plugs and it has to be the best you ever see.

In addition to being explained in British English, an accent that is sexy and classy, the whole video is absolutely informative and inclusive to various types of users. Check the video below:

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned user here what you should know about but-plugs:

1. There are many sizes

Butt plugs come in different sizes and also can be made of different materials too. The shapes and sizes are based on preference and experience. It’s a good idea to start with a small one first. These sex toys are designed with a flared base for safety reasons. Well, you certainly don’t want it to get lost up there.

2. They are designed for pleasure

The toys are used for pleasuring both men and women. Men experience pleasure because this toy stimulates the prostate, whereas women experience pleasure in part due to the plug increasing pressure on the back of the vaginal wall. When climaxing, with a butt plug the climax is more intense. In addition, this toys can also be used in preparation and practice for anal sex.

3. Other tips

The video encourages the usage of lube when using the toy because the anus doesn’t self-lubricate.  Don’t forget to clean your toys after each use in order to prevent the spread of bacteria and STIs. Otherwise, have fun exploring with the help of these toys.


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