A Guide On Female Orgasm


A Guide On Female Orgasm

Medical, scientific and biological breakthroughs are changing the world we live in an enormous rate. Discoveries that will make the world a better place to live in. Progress in the realm of relationships has had very little progress in so far as knowing what women want in bed. We are still clueless.

Sex, desire and pleasure are seen and experienced very different by both sexes. When men engage in sex their minds are focused on the pleasure. When women have sex their minds worry about pregnancy, whether they are pleasuring their partner and are at large more likely to exit the whole sexual encounter without having had an orgasm.

Women are not accustomed to communicate their pleasure. Both women and men see a sexual encounter to have come full circle once the male counterpart has climaxed. Men have grown accustomed to not ask or ignore, and women are too shy to ask. Leading to misunderstanding and devaluation of the female pleasure.

In hope to close this gap a new blog on Tumblr, launched earlier this week, discusses the female orgasm. Each post to the Tumblr is a personal essay, written by a woman, detailing in her own creative flair how she reaches orgasms. ‘How To Make Me Comeis a collection of 71 anonymous essays from 71 different women talking about their  their female orgasm.

The first post is only three words long, ‘DON’T JUST LICK!

The whole post feels like a conversation between two female friends. All of the essays have one commonality; there is something powerful and moving about women bluntly and unapologetically talking about their own pleasure.

The very core of this female collective expression, as the founder puts it, is:

I wanted to delve into the real female orgasm experience… I wanted to display the spectrum of desire. Not only because I think the female orgasm can sometimes be challenging to achieve and/or talk about, but also because I suspect that when we talk about female orgasm, something deeper is at play”

What surfaces are stories that are varied, emphasising that desire and pleasure are very different from one person to the other.

The creator of the blog says that communication — speaking up and asking for exactly what you want, without shame or self-consciousness is at the core of putting female orgasm in focus. Taking this approach will demystify the female orgasm.

This was best said by this anonymous poster:“If every woman throughout the history of mankind had demanded to have an orgasm along with her male partner, we probably would have evolved as a gender that could always orgasm.” As more women lend their stories to How To Make Me Come, we hope to hear their voices amplified to the point of being deafening and impossible to ignore.

Maybe send ‘How To Make Me Cometo your significant other and talk about it with her. Who know? It could open up a dialogue between the two of you. These frank essays remind us that we are all different and the key to a happy sex life is using communication to discover the differences.

Finally, ladies do not walk out of a sexual experience without having had your orgasm too. Every woman deserves to come!


About Author

I am passionate about improving relationships and the dating world, specifically the sexuality component. Maya enjoys writing about relationship, exercising, and going to the beach whenever she can.

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