Master Your Dick Pics


Master Your Dick Pics

The modern world of tech demands that we are savvy in sexting, whether it’s sending sexy little texts or some sexy pics. There are ways to master your dick pics and make them work for you gentleman. According to  Shan Boody, who is a clinical sexologist, author, and YouTube star, there are two dick pics every man should master: a serious one, and one purely for laughs.

Today, we’re going to follow Shan Boody, expert advice how to make your dick pic a little better. The most important tips she shares here are; choose the right time, know your audience and last an unsolicited dick pic is never going to score any brownie points.

Thinking about sending a dick pic to someone soon? Watch these tips first, from Shan Boody and Esquire, to help master your dick pic skills and taken them to the next level:



About Author

Sexuality is one of our most basic drives, but it's also fundamental to our identities as people. Writing interesting pieces about sex, the lifestyle and the different aspects of human sexuality is a challenge that we will endeavor to take .

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