11 Incredible Sexual Fetishes


11 Incredible Sexual Fetishes

To some degree, we all have fetishes. Sometimes fetishes are just things that have been with us for quite a while and secretly we derive pleasure from.

One day, however, as you’re surfing the net you stumble upon a picture or an article that explores your little secret fetish. Suddenly, you realise that you too have a fetish. The Internet is the largest eye-candy in the world and a sure way to find new interesting things.

The Interent has allowed fetish communities to grow faster and to harvest new members at a rate not possible prior. So no matter how impossible for a fetish to exist, it exists. As the saying goes; if you can think it someone else has thought it too and probably done it.

So whatever floats your boat, here is a list of some incredible fetishes, you might find yours in the list.


Aka Wet and Messy (WAM).

Women, as it’s almost always women, sit in gunk tanks or roll around in paddling pools filled with baked beans or custard for example.


Get your rocks off by being covered in insects. It’s the sexual interest in being crawled upon or nibbled by insects, such as ants, or other small creatures. But maybe if you’re going to try this take an antihistamine first.  


Balloon fetishes are sexual fetish that feature balloons as the source of sexual arousal and pleasure. Such individuals are known as ‘looners’
There is much conflict and debate between the two types of ‘looners’ with non-poppers arguing that the balloon is an entity unto itself and should be spared and the poppers maintaining that the balloon is a representation of the sexual build-up and release.

Sexual attraction to clowns. Find it hard to picture this one because that is exactly the opposite of how I feel about them.

The joy of getting one’s hair shampooed. Right there, just found my fetish. I just love getting my hair shampooed at the hairdressers, it’s my whole reason for going.

A quick search for ‘macrophilia’ on Google finds endless tales of tiny men being taken prisoner by giantesses.



Dendrophilia translates as a love of trees.  Most people love trees. But some people really love trees and are sexually attracted to trees.

Hybristophila is the act of fetishising criminals, often seen in women who fall in love from a distance with such infamous felons as Charles Manson, Peter Sutcliffe or Hannibal. It is generally believed that they subconsciously want the thrill of being associated with someone famous that they’ll never actually have to live with, seeing that they are going to be in jail for life, whilst also seeing themselves as a kind of redeemer who will show the bad guy the error of his ways.
This is a fairly obvious one given the potentially phallic nature of tentacles, although Cthulhu is unlikely to be any parent’s idea of the perfect partner for their daughter(s).

Psychrophiliacs have fantasies of watching people being cold or freeze or to being cold . The end of ‘The Shinning’ might be a real turn on.

Voraphiliacs derive pleasure from the thought of being swallowed whole and/or being digested. Slowly dissolving in the stomach acids of a giant alien creature? Best. Date. Ever


Possibly the cutest of the fetishes on this list. They are so fluffy and cute!

The following video by MindChop will take you on some more interesting fetishes people are into:


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